Monday, July 8, 2013

When Homelessness Hits Home

I think most of us live our lives thinking homelessness is a problem that won't ever hit us personally.  I know I never imagined I'd be homeless.  I've worked my whole life, I do the best I can to support my family and while I've had money problems here and there, I've managed to get by... until now, that is. 

At midnight, my family is officially homeless.

A string of unfortunate expensive events since the middle of last year have led to this, and more recently, unexpected expense related to repairing or replacing automobiles.  My husband has been unable to find employment other than under-20-hours-a-week minimum wage jobs.  I've had to slow down on my two part time jobs, the photography and Mary Kay, because I needed to care for my kids' emotional well-being and have had two computers crash in the space of a few months. 

So here we are, attempting to fit our lives on a u haul and compiling a list of places we can sleep for a few nights at a time.  I am confident that through this God will provide for us and I'm praying for blessings, but I won't lie and say that this is easy.

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